It’s Going To Be Okay: Relax Let Go and Let It Flow

At the end of the day, it’s all going to be okay. 90% of the things we worry about never happen. With that said take a deep breath, relax and just release all negativity and anxiety. We tend to stress ourselves about things that will never happen. We have to have faith that everything is going to be alright. No matter what happens we will always be okay. You will always find a solution. So let go and allow everything to play out.

I can remember an incident last semester in college where I thought I was going to do really bad. I started off by missing 3 weeks of school in one class. I decided to have faith everything would work out anyway. After talking to my instructor, I realized she wasn’t going to going to go easy on me. But after doing my best and staying as positive as possible, she said I was her most improved student. She liked my positive attitude and how I never gave up or complained like her other students. I got an A. I worried for months for nothing. Worry only takes away from the moment.

Tips On Relaxing and Letting Go

1. Meditation- Allow yourself to let go of thoughts, negativity and stress by relaxing your mind and meditating. Be the watcher and the observer of your thoughts, rather than focusing on not thinking. Focusing on not thinking is the best way to get too caught up in your thoughts.

2. Have Faith – Know that God and the universe will take care of you. All will be well. Keep affirming that things will be great until you believe it. Faith can move mountains. It can create a shift in the universe that positively changes the outcome in your favor. Keep the faith and all will be well.

3. Breathing Exercises – Take deep breaths in and out. Try to focus on your breathing and let go of any anxiety.

At the end of the day, there is no reason to worry. Not only does it feel bad but it doesn’t do anything, to make you feel better. By relaxing, meditating, having faith and doing breathing exercises, you create a shift within yourself, that moves the universe in your favor. Your energy is so persuasive in this universe. Use your energy to relax and have a positive effect on your life. All is well.

October 19, 2019. Positive Thinking and The Law Of Attraction.

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